Friday, March 18, 2011

New Graphics Tablet experimentation

Attempt one - Shinosuke

Attempt two - Akane (blonde)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Characters for CNIM class

Roughly sketched with pencil, outlined with pen and coloured in with colour pencils. took me about 2 hours in total =) I still havent decided what to name them yet, depending on my tutors approval and feedback tomorrow, I can start working on their complete profiles!


Shapeshifter/ Trickster

Saturday, August 21, 2010

First 3d animation assignment

Supermodel walkcycle :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

AAAnd finallyy my first 3d character :D

he doesnt look so perfect coz its my first time and I had to make him, texture him, light the scene and set the cameras in like 2 days :S but I still like him :) *first love* lol, his name's Boggle and he wears a bowler hat. inspired by Mike Wazowski of Monsters inc :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My first Illustrator + Photoshop 2d character

the result of First time experimentation with Illustrator :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First 3D Model!!

Here's my first 3D model for my foundations of 3D assignment.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy birthday Andy :)

This is Andy, and it was his Birthday last week. He loves my work so I thought I should sketch him as a birthday gift :) took me about 2 hours to sketch him and about a day to do the shading! I see him on a daily basis so I had to keep changing the shading because I had to perfect it to fit my perception. It turned out pretty good!! *yay*

Monday, November 30, 2009

After Aaaaaages!

My friend Yeti and his fiance, this sketch was slightly hurried (2hours) but I was pleased how his fiance turned out. The sketch doesn't do justice to how pretty she looks in the picture though :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

W.I.P for Shaf

One of My Best Friends, Shaf is Married and is leaving to China in a couple of days. We had a brainstorm about what we should get for her. decided to make her a video. So about an hour ago, I went Pic-hunting and managed to find one of the 2 of us! :) started sketching right away. Here's 2 W.I.P pics of Me and Shaf.

2b Outlining

After involvement of the 6B pencil minus blending:)

And Ta-daaaa, The final work :)


This is a W.I.P picture of my first commissioned piece of pencil portrait. Will post how it turned out later. I took my time with this one, about 2-3 days. I think it works for me as I can really work on the details.

I sketched this for my friends' 1st Anniversary. They were quite pleased with the outcome. I wasn't. It looks sort of rushed and untidy. Made a mental note to do a better sketch of them someday, to compensate!

a W.I.P drawing of Hitman. This one is for Navin who loves Hitman :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Done with the final Semester of my 1st Year!!!

And So, the left brain's reign has come to an end... I dont have to study for another 5 months and i have plenty of time to work on my sketches :) And everything else I've been wanting to learn.
Working on finishing atleast 3 sketches per week!

My first Male human body sketch. I like the depth and value in the shadings...

This one is supposed to be Tifa from the advent children..but she looks slightly more mature in my version...

And this one is Sora from the Kingdom of Hearts... I've been into Anime Sketches lately...

Well that's all for now..waiting for dad to get me kerosene so I can work on my oil paintings!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A dictator,A statue,and artist's block aftermath

Been too lazy to upload my work on the blog.. was bored today and decided to upload a few..

Adolf Hitler.. impulse sketch. Who'd have guessed hes a vegetarian,and loved children.

quick sketch of one of the statues in the new ANC student's lounge.

effects of the artist's block. still cant figure out how to finish it!

Corrected First oil painting

i changed her! corrected her paw-like left hand,closed her right hand and made her a lil thinner. she looked too bloated for my liking.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Artist's Block!!

All that studyin for the past three months has excited my left brain n im suffering a terrible Artist block! figured it when i half completed an oil painting of a woman swishing her clothes. and all i could do were only the swishy clothes! i couldnt paint HER! lookin all over for inspiration but i cant even seem to sketch comic book characters!! Gonna stuff myself in the room with my sketch material! hope it works!

Friday, July 18, 2008

My first Oil Painting

I kno something is terrible wrong with the left hand but i jus cudnt get it right. erased it yday,my nest post will b on the change so u can see how it looks b4 and after :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sketches after I started Monash

Inu Yasha! and a few main characters from the Inu Yasha Comics

testing my new sketching pencils with an elvish queen :)

sprang from my imagination

joeyyyy from friends. proud of this one

johnny depp my idol!!!

Old sketches

My Old sketches.. ones that i sketched in School with ordinary pencils..:)

Shinosuke.. my first anime sketch second anime sketch

hehe nope not a sketch my eye photoshopped

My first sketch of an elven Lady

My Unicorn sketch

photoshopped them together

Max Ride...

a witch...